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Seecilypedìa is the result of the expression of a need involuntarily shared by various groups of visitors and is intrinsically linked to the personal experience of its founder.

Giovanni Cusenza


In 2007 my parents started renting a villa by the sea to receive travelers from all over the world, although their main jobs had nothing to do with tourism. In that period, accommodation outside of hotel facilities was not contemplated and the means to attract possible visitors were poor.

Over the years, I found myself growing up in an environment in which the number of guests was increasing. This helps me to immediately understand what the travelers' needs were, both within the home and outside of them, for the use of the territory and so on. Being very friendly people, my parents not only earn income from rent but mainly build long-lasting bonds with different clients.

During my life I have worked in different sectors: I work at hotel breakfasts; as a volunteer in England, in a gift shop, and, then, in two music festivals; I did an internship in an art gallery in Venice; I worked as an interpreter for tourists during boat excursions in Menfi, Sicily; I am hired as a fiber optic designer for a company in Caltanissetta, Sicily; I work as a remote consultant in the automotive sector for an American multinational with Italian headquarters in Rome.

At the end of 2021 I decided to go back to working in hospitality, as my parents had done, but as a full-time job and, therefore, in June 2022 I left my job to stay in my place, in Sicily.

Talking to several travelers, receiving hundreds of them annually, creating friendships, and spending time together, I understand their need to have a body of information for visiting Western Sicily. So, I spent two whole months collecting content from various websites and succeeded in trying to create a one-hundred-and-seventy-page PDF guide to provide to my clients. From that point on, many of them, amazed by the work, encouraged me to sell my guides and, so, after two years I was convinced and founded Seecilypedìa.

However, being a lover of cultural tourism and liking the idea that travelers can find a place from which they can organize their itineraries in Sicily, I decided to make the guides free and accessible to anyone. Likewise, I leave a section open to anyone who wants to collaborate on the project for free, providing unpublished photos, stories, stories, and anything else that can enrich the contents offered here, making them unique.

How to find me

If you want to connect with me, below you will find links to my pages on various social networks.

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If you are looking for where to stay in Western Sicily here are my villas

and links to the ads on Airbnb

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